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Aim : SMSAMS Publications is a PEER-REVIEWED, OPEN ACCESS International Agency to contribute the better research to the community across the globe in various domains of knowledge for the humanity. The main aim of SMSAMS Publications is to provide FAST and ACCURATE publication to STUDENTS, FACULTY, RESEARCHERS, SCIENTISTS AND INDUSTRY PEOPLE who are cherish to communicate recent developments and applications in their field of expertise.
Scope: This wide scope publications contains various journals covering all domains of knowledge consists of various diverse aspects of Arts, Science Application, Technology, Engineering and Management.
Experienced Authors in their respective fields of interest in multidisciplinary areas of Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology
Article Publication with Worldclass standards in all areas to address the future, current and research trends.
Organizing Conferences /Seminars at National & International level in collaboration with other organizations.
Handling research projects, article writing publication and any other academic and industrial needs with proper research.
International Journal of Computer Science and Mechatronics-IJCSM,
ISSN: 2455-1910.
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International Journal of Business Management Finance Accounting Media & Entrepreneurship.
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International Journal of Advanced Research in
Computer Science and Engineering and Its Applications Online- IJOARCSEAO.
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International Journal of Advanced Research in
ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONICS Engineering and its Applications online- ijoarEEE.
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International Journal of Advanced Research in
BioChemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences- IJOARBCPS.
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International Journal of Advanced Research in
Geographical Information Systems and Remote Sencing Applications.
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Proceedings of International Conference on Technological Advancements and Challenges for Society ICTACS-2024
ICTACS-2024 Conference
Information Technology Workshop Handbook by K.Sudhakar, G.Divya, G.V.Suresh, Dr.O.Rama Devi. ISBN: 978-81-978852-7-3Published on 02.10.2023
Cyber Security: A Penetration Testers guide by K.Sudhakar, Dr.V.Naga Ravi Kiran (USA), K.Vamsee (Industry)
ISBN:978-81-978852-9-7 Published on 15.03.2023.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence: A Practical Guide for Students" by K.Sudhakar, B.Prasanna Kumar, Dr.M.Sitharam, Dr.A.Rama Rao. ISBN:978-81-978852-6-6.Published on 04.10.2022.
Mastering Salesforce with Devops by Mr.Prasanth Kamma (USA), Mr.K.Sudhakar. ISBN:978-81-978852-2-8.
Published on 07.06.2022.
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